May 10, 2018

Woods in Spring

Saturday morning, we headed out to pull taps and bring all our sap collecting equipment out of the woods.

Aren't these colors intense? That blue! That green! 

Proving that they could lift each other while waiting for everyone to get ready

We heart strong girls!

Hostas emerging


Daffodils in our lawn under the apple tree

Heading into the woods

Picking wildflowers--although you can't really tell, the ground was covered with teensy white and pink flowers called spring beauties.

I love this little boy. 

Spring beauties

A spring beauty with a bouquet of spring beauties. All the kids wanted to pick flowers for Amanda.

At this point, I handed my camera to Cheyenne

She is a great photographer!

Amanda and her adoring fans

Gathering all the lines

A funny little red spider

Holes in trees are so intriguing, aren't they? 

Checking on the damage to the horse barn roof

Cody introducing Amanda to his horse

Red Trillium

Scott got right to work chopping up the fallen tree. 

The correct identification of this tree became the subject of great debate for the rest of the weekend. Tree books were pulled out, branches pulled from several different locations around the farm, and strong opinions expressed on all sides. 

Turns out it is a grey ash. Or so they say. 

The weather turned a little warmer than Scott had anticipated.

Heading home

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