May 14, 2018

Abilene's Third Birthday

As the youngest of 13 grandkids, it is hard to describe just how adored this little birthday girl is. 

One Sunday afternoon last year, I was sitting in the living room, talking and watching the youngest grandkids cruise around from person to person. And almost every person had a hug, a kiss, a "You are so delightful!" for them all. So much love and luckiness. 

She was checking out her Birthday Girl ribbon from Aunt Lindsey.

Cody and Amanda trip planning their route home.

Poor Abilene was rather overshadowed in her present opening. Everyone wants to see. NOW. 

Lily and Marilla worked all morning to make Abilene's new baby a bed out of cardboard. I love those two creative little girls.

Checking out her animals from grandma. Abilene was very clear that she needed the black cat with it's tail up. NOT the one with the tail down. Because three year olds know these things intuitively. 

Her hat from Uncle Cody and Amanda

Her rope from Hoyt. 

The delight! 

"Now I can rope cows!"

More presents

Cake time--looking a little unsure about all the attention.

Sweet girl

Blowing out her candles

Checking out the cake stand

Yum, yum!

The outside crew

Under the lilacs is a favorite spot to play

With the chickens too.

Hoyt running down the driveway to meet Orianna

Charlie, practicing his puddle stomping

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

The guys on the front stoop only need some coveralls and a checkerboard to complete the scene! :)