May 15, 2018


It is almost impossible to keep kids out of the creek in the spring.

I have to say it looks tempting to this 35 year old mother too...

When it is raging at high melt, no one, but no one is allowed near it. All swollen and rushing. Too entirely Bridge to Terabithia like for me. 

But once it goes down a little, I try to stop being paranoid and hypervigilant and let me kids have a childhood. The hours we spent in this creek as kids. We counted it a victory if we didn't have to leave the creek all day long in the summer. Unless we got leeches. Then all bets were off. 

Elsie had cut her foot a little the day before, so I wouldn't let her take her boots off. The tragedy.

Making a leap for it

There is a nice muddy, clay bank that the kids like to get filthy in before washing their feet off in the creek.

Helpful cousin


The cousin twins

The other cousin twins

I am so glad these kids have cousins close to their age. I can't even imagine my childhood without my cousins. They were integral,


And even when you are almost 14 and a half, wading is still fun. 

Lincoln was throwing sticks in to watch them float down the creek and see what they snagged on

Climbing rocks

Collecting all their gear and heading for the house.

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