April 19, 2018

The Drabbiness of Fall, New Land, and the First Snowfall

Owen and his deer

Helping to pick up sticks

Amazing maples

Checking out the river

Lily and her Harry Potter robes. And my amazingly messy house.

The halloween leftovers. Poor pumpkins

Owen and Ashley's maple avenue

Sunday afternoon reading

Corn in the field

Puddle boots



Walking back to check out our new land

Isn't this an amazing tree?

There are a few old, falling down stone walls

This is a spot we are considering for a house. We are still tossing ideas around, so who knows. 

Lots of goldenrod seed heads. 

This was Wednesday evening and as we sat in meeting that night, I saw a tick crawling up Elsie's neck. SHIVER. I hate ticks. 

The hay field on our land. 

It still really amazes me that we own this land. Us. Really! 

Justin was a good dad and carved pumpkins with the kids

This must have been the beginning of November and it looks a lot more like summer than the end of April looks like.... 


Our first snow in early November. 

Clearly, everyone had to get outside and run around in the new snow. 

Road to work

Pine forest

Winterberry bush

I LOVE winterberries

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