April 17, 2018

Albany in October

I am really pushing through old pictures, so here is our trip to Albany in October. 

For whatever reason, we do a big roadtrip in the summer, but then hunker down from September to June and never go anywhere. So this year we broke the trend and went down to Albany for a week in October. 

It was so worth breaking habits for! Such a lovely time with Mike and Julie!

Silly girls!

Molten chocolate. 

(I like the word molten. It seems more interesting than just "melted")

A behind the scenes view of Candy Kraft Candies

The kids were fascinated!

Bob made some turtles for the kids. Oh, yum!

Candy mold room

This is cornstarch. They press the candy molds into the cornstarch to make wells and then fill them with chocolate. 

Isn't that cool? 

Julie, showing her candy mold prowess!

Gilbert loved watching Bob!

My kids were delighted to realize they were friends with people who had a candy store in the family! 


While we were candy storing it up, Justin and Mike were helping put a new roof on at the farm. 

Many hands!

New piggers

Barn birds


It was a little rainy, so umbrellas were a must on the kick ball field


Jumping beans

Surprisingly for the full trampoline, there were no injuries

Brave and daring Gavin on the top

The quality control group

Then back to Mike and Julie's for a backyard evening

We had a lovely bonfire and late evening talk

chess girls

Lily and Emma had the same dress, so they had to match


Matching girls

The mommies--old friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWWW Come see us again :) Love the pics, great memories made. Love your blog of course and all the pics, but I want to LIKE all of them hehe... night! (This is Julie BTW)