April 20, 2018

Snowy Roads, Christmas, and New Years

So one afternoon in November, approximately two days after we moved back into our house, I slide off the road on the way home. 


I was a teensy bit overwhelmed with things happening quite so quickly--our house sale falling through, moving back into our house, and wrecking the Suburban all in one go.

In good news, it was only this part of the Suburban that was wrecked. By the end of January, it was back to normal! 

As we were packing up our house, I threw out some of the kids school art. 


But I decided to photograph them for posterity. 

This was Orianna's.




Mid December, we had strep throat again, just for something different. Fortunately, it stopped with Lily. 

As we sat waiting for the doctor, I appreciated this sign. 

I think I need one at home for those times when I actually have a clean sink. I like subltety. 

Candlelight card games.

Notice: Clean(ish) Living Room

My adorable wooden skiers

Christmas Crackers

Decapitated snowmen

Oh the carnage!

Rakish crown

Gilbert reading his joke

A delighted Elsie queen

Hoyt's crown is a little slippy, but he still is royal.


Aunt Tori and her Abilene-y girl

Gilbert climbed into Grandpa's chair, got out his clipboard and started to fill in the crossword

"I am Grandpa" he told us.

Christmas break coloring

Owen got a new gun and was inordinately pleased with it, even holding it while we played hearts. 

We didn't cheat. 

New Year's Eve, we had a sparkling party in which we all tried to see who could actually stay up until midnight. 

It was touch and go for quite awhile. 

Then we caught our  second wind and played Beyond Balderdash

Oh the sunshine!

Blanket forts

Full moon-set

Snow on the back deck

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