July 10, 2019

The Reception Line (or A Lot of Hugging)

Oh hey! I never finished wedding pictures. So I am going to finish them up this week. Picking up where we left off--just after the ceremony.  

Mama and Son

Mother and Son-in-law

Father and Son-in-law

Mother and Daughter-in-law

Father and Daughter-in-law


Adoring neices

And nephews

Orianna and her grandpa

So. much.hugging.

We like hugging. A lot. 

(Actually that is a lie. I am a little prickly about hugging. I don't know why. My kids and husband are fine, but I get awkward when other people hug me. A hello or goodbye hug is fine because that is just short and sweet. But any other emotional hugging?  Literally I think things like "how long do I hold on here?" So awkward. But that is just me. And this is Tori's wedding and not actually about me. So.)

Uncle Scott

Craigen's cousins and Aunt Patty

Uncle Brad

Breanna, who is now taller than Aunt Tori

The Nebraskan Vaughans

They had just moved to Nebraska before the wedding, so it still sounds funny calling them that! 

Ron and Bette Lu

School friends


The flower girl and her mummy!

Cheyenne and Aunt Livie and Anthony and Cris and Cody and Amanda and...

Cody does a three person hug

Ashley and Wyoming friends

And NY friends

While all that hugging was going on, people were breaking down the ceremony and setting up for the reception.

Next door neighbors and more NY friends

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