July 11, 2019


While people were getting tables ready, Tori wanted pictures of her and her girls in front of the arch thingy. 

This is the tricky part of pictures--Cara is not smiling as terrifically as the next picture, but....

...Livie closed her eyes here, so.... 


Abilene being Auntie-ed


Setting up centerpieces. 

Colorado mule deer antler sheds, teapots with baby's breath, some pussywillows and hemlock, and a stack of books that Tori loves with a few hunting and fishing books thrown in for Craigen. 

Then a lantern and salt and pepper shakers and a candle.

Throwing the bouquet to this crowd


The first time she threw it, she went to high and it hit the wood above her head, falling on her. The second time it went! 

Hattie caught it! 

Looking to see who caught it


Prepping the watermelon

Running around

The milkhouse "kitchen" and a slightly insane Nina

A few more pictures with Tori

Cowgirl boots, white linen, and sunshine

The Three Musketeers

The Gordon girls and the Vaughan girls

The Gordons

Abilene checking out the scene outside

Admiring the brisket

Being cute in a fuzzy sort of way

A birds eye view

Boundless energy

But a little tired. 

I love this picture! 

Guest book and wedding favor table.

The nieces and nephews sang "Perfect" to Tori and Craigen. Tori was in love with that song when she and Craigen started dating.

The cake

It was just as yummy as it was beautiful! 

Some informal table shots

Evan and Elsie and all their friends. 

Front table

Tori and her red and white bib. 

We didn't want brisket on the wedding dress

It was very relaxed and laidback! 

The Hall/Long table

Girls table apparently!

Worker-ish table

The lovebirds

Orianna talking to Klinton

Cutting the cake

Cutting a cake is easy until 75 people are staring at you. 

First bites

Then Klinton suggested an open mike and lots of great Tori and Craigen stories were shared. 

Monte had to go twice there were so many.

This is not something we had planned, but it was so nice. 

Gilbert stole my camera for a bit. 

He loves Trudy

We went with cozy for the table centerpieces and it makes me happy! 

Lindsey went around and took real pictures of each table--asking people to look at her. 

She used her phone, but these pictures are so much nicer than the candid ones! 

Cris can only behave for one picture apparently! 

Our intrepid food person! 


Cecil and Amy said...

I love the idea of open mic. And by the looks of wet eyes on the people there, there were some mighty good stories being told- whether people were laughing so hard they cried or the teller was giving a touching story.

I rate the table decor 5 stars!!!

Virginia said...

I'm lol-ing at my insane kitchen pic! This is why I'm relegated to the milkhouse for formal occasions. ;-) It's really fun to see these pics b/c I didn't get much of a chance to see it actually happening in-person so I can catch up now!