July 16, 2019


Some more random pictures from April! 

During our April Break, Lily and I went to Burlington. We had hoped to figure out why she gets strep throat every other minute and perhaps solve it, but no go. It just happens. And they don't recommend taking tonsils out anymore because it is not a guaranteed to solve the problem.  

Basically we drove five hours round trip to be told nothing new. 

Oh well! We had a nice drive listening to Lily's current audio book (a Wings of Fire book. A dragon book. I roll my eyes, but since it was a day together, I said we could listen to it. And it wasn't bad!) and then walking around town and having lunch together. 

We went to the Skinny Pancake because Lily wanted crepes. They had chalkboard tables, which Lily thought was brilliant.

Sketching the plant

Clever girl!

It was yummy food! 

A gigantic hummingbird

City Hall

The Post Office. 

Buildings used to be so much more beautiful than they are today. 

Pine trees against the blue sky


Heading out for a walk with cousins

Wispy clouds over the farm

Pussy willows

Blanket Forts

A wet, wet day

Raindrops on pussy willows

I really enjoyed the raindrops on things! 


Moss being green when nothing else was. 

New shoots from the moss.

Lichens and new buds

My walking companions

Elsie really liked this rock.

Gilbert and some tree buds


Wood puddles

Not sure, but so bright! 

It is very wet in the spring

Waterproof pants were a great investment. 

I love this boy!

Trying on dresses for Aunt Tori's wedding.

The first daffodil. Or at least a sunshiney one. 

The girls had NYSMMA, which is basically a place to go be judged on your musician abilities by an outside observer at SUNY Potsdam's Crane School of Music. Gilbert and Elsie and I hung out in a little alcove reading books and watching photoshoots happening outside. 

Watching them I was devoutly grateful that social media did not exist in my teens. So much stress! 

Unfurling things.

Trying out centerpieces for Tori's wedding.

Robots in my library

These are the dash robots and the kids loved them! 


Easter Egg hunt on Mom and Dad's front yard.

Justin designated himself the game warden and threatened to confiscate all excess takings. 

Looking for chocolate eggs

Aunt Ashley organized the whole thing because she is great! 

Green grass coming along! 

A golden egg

Tree buds!

So beautiful! 

Justin's hand hewn post for our house. He is so clever! This was just a log and he turned it into a nice square post. 

Furry catkins

More unfurling things along the creek

Spring is so full of secret delights. 

The outrageous blooms of a tree.

Elegant layers

I have a thing for ferns.

A moth that is likely dead. But still elegant.

We love walks in the woods!

Moss covered trees

A red blush of buds all over the woods

Our house from the creekside. Coming along! 

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

I want to comment on every picture but I guess I will save you from that! I liked your library pictures! I liked Justin's game warden picture! And I was especially intrigued with the fallen tree that is round no longer. Is that the post that I saw that has already been placed in the house in your dining room area?