July 21, 2018

The Wedding

Ron Lerwick married them

Scott Porter and Annaliese Hellwig

Summer afternoon means a sleeping kid or two!

Scott Farrington and Amber Hellwig

Scott with eyes open

Anthony Stitt and Alaura

Philip and Kara

The Douglas row

Cody and the parents


Audrey and Hoyt

Amanda and her parents

Once everyone stood up for Amanda, Brynn could no longer see. So she took matters into her own hands by standing in the aisle to see her. 

I LOVE the delight on her face. And the mommy and aunt arms reaching for her. 

The lovely bride

Elsie trying to carry the train

Once they stopped, Elsie wasn't sure what to do next, so he bunched the dress into one fist and leaned against a chair.

One of those moments as a parent.... 

Hoyt and kindofUncle Scott

It was a very touching wedding. As in we cried a lot. We Vaughans excel at crying. 


Scott Porter as best man, reaching out to make sure the wind didn't interrupt the service by blowing Ron's notes around. 

The ring ceremony


Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan

Pleased as punch!

Ring on his finger

Oh the joy!

I get a little teary eyed just looking at these! 

Another kiss

The littles heading out

Amanda getting a hug from Monte with lots of kids involved.

See? We are really good at being weepy. 

But we were SO HAPPY. 


Cousin hugs

A tired cowboy

Family conference

My Lil-billy girl

After the ceremony, we needed to move all the chairs up to the reception area.

The chair brigade.

There was a truck to load up, but it got full and guys carried a lot of chairs up all those stairs.

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

Oh my word. What wonderful pictures of the immediate wedding aftermath. Yes, my eyes were teary too! Beautiful.