July 20, 2018

Saturday Morning

Saturday morning I was woken by Justin rummaging through our stuff trying to find the camera. He had been on a run down to the lake and had seen this great horned owl. This owl hung out there all day. Every time we went to the lake, we stopped to say hello. 

Wilson trying to teach these youngins how to play pool properly. He had his work cut out for him. They were very enthusiastically playing it any old way, making up rules as they went along. 

We started working on flowers

The bridal bouquet Livie made.

Isn't it lovely? Those anemones though!!

In case you were wondering, I would be a terrible florist. I love flowers and think they all look lovely. However, I would make a good shop assistant--I can fill jars with filler and flowers like no one's business. 

The lovebirds

Tables and people

Gilbert and Katie

Philip brought spikeball, a fun lawn game

Cody had to supply a few pink flamingos

Aunt Geri and Amanda's grandmother Chris

Around lunch time, we pulled the tablecloth that protected against flies off the pie table. Somehow or other, nine pies were missing. We found the first pie just then, tucked in a drawer in the kitchen with a paper towel over it and a number 1. 

The hunt was on! I think we found the last pie that evening. 

There were a lot of accusations floating around, but no one admitted to it. Until the wedding toasts when the bridesmaids claimed responsibility. 

This South Carolina girl was a little worried about jumping into a cold Wyoming lake. 

But she finally did!

Owen being a nice daddy. 

Hanging out. 

There was a nice carpet thing there that gave everyone a nice spot to take off their shoes without stepping on the rocks. Very handy dandy.

Levi doing a handstand while Andy fishes

Lily making rock piles. 

Aren't they cool rocks??

Elsie and Abilene were rock collecting too. Abilene climbed up on this piling and hollered to Elsie "Help me collect this one!" 

Wilson decided jumping into the lake in his clothes was a better idea than walking all the way up to the cabin and changing. However, he quickly changed his mind about wanting to be in the frigid water. 

Grandpa showing the kids how to skip rocks

Hanging out on the dock of the bay... Or lake. 

Gilbert was very proud of his ability to float with a life jacket on. 

Grampy and Tucker

Gilbert and Grandma

Wilson drying out

Grammy and Penelope talking

A Katie-Gilbert selfie

They were superheros. Because a towel is actually a cap according to Gilbert.

Seriously, these two were so nice to Gilbert the whole time. I love them. They are my cousin Sherri's kids--both of them gems! 

The lodge was in rolling hills, so there were some serious stairs going on

Uncle Scott getting in on the pool action

Tori and Craigen--these two were sort of inseparable the entire weekend. 

Aren't they cute, though? 

A wits and wager game in mid-argument. Scott Farrington (there were three Scotts's there, all closely involved with the wedding), Owen and Philip were quite a crew for arguing. 

Making the potato casserole

Connie wanted proof that she was in on the cooking! 

Geri was a dish washing dynamo! Put a dish down and a few seconds later it was sparkling clean! 

The potato casserole crew

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

I'm giggling away looking at these pictures!