June 30, 2017

Cody, Wyoming

We are on our roadtrip! Justin and the kids arrived safely at Cody, WY on Wednesday. Fiona and I left NY together and flew into Cody on Saturday afternoon. 

Saranac Lake, heading south to Albany

These Adirondack mountains...! I do love them. 

So green!

And then we were in Cody. With much more impressive mountains. But I still sort of like those Adirondack mountains...

This is the view from just outside the women's dorm. Pretty incredible!

Where the water ends

Sunday morning I was not adjusted to the time change, so I was up at 4. After realizing I was not going back to sleep, I got up and took a walk. So here are a lot of pictures of early morning Cody. 



Sunrise on the mountain

Sage and cottonwoods

Sun getting higher

Some kind of chute


Sunshine wood

Sunshine milkweed


...and prickly.


The Shoshone River running through the grounds

There we are!

And here we are, less organized, but more realistic.

These girls are pretty fabulous!

Orianna had a good time hanging out with her aunts!

Some of the sisters

The goodbye crew!

Heading up to Yellowstone!


Unknown said...

These make my heart sing. So glad you're doing this.

Geri Douglas said...

glad to see these pictures. I just got a new computer so have been missing seeing all your blogs. Now I get to go back and see them all!