December 12, 2012


The living room is primed. Tori came over after school to help and then I put another coat on after the kids were in bed. I was not excited about priming. I couldn't get into it. Maybe something to do with having to do it and having four kids hooting and hollering around. Justin is the professional at this. He knows things about painting. But since I want my living room done and Justin is out of town, it only makes sense for me to prime so we can get things put back together when he gets home.

It is all primed.

Including the floor...

Except I ruined the floor with paint. Now we need to sand it and refinish it. So the time saved was negative. I saved Justin an hour or two and cost him a day's worth of work. I know that looks terribly irresponsible, the paint all over the floor, but with two people painting, it isn't too hard. You get your paint can filled, take it to where you are working, work away and then turn back to get more paint and see that you dribbled paint from the get-go, then stepped in it and then tracked it all over creation. So you try to wipe it up, but fast drying primer that it is, it is dry. And you don't dare leave your paint unprotected with three eager sets of hands ready to grab it, so you can't get water. And when this has happened about 4 times, you start thinking about how nice the floor would look sanded anyway. And try not to think of the mutterings your husband will mutter when he sees this picture. About why didn't she just call and ask where the drop cloths were? and Did she let Gilbert fingerpaint on the floor or what?!?

When I was a kid, my Aunt Geri used to paint frequently. Every few months, she would freshen up the house with a new coat of paint. Someone just had to mention they were feeling blue, and she would get out the rollers and pans and ask "Royal or navy?" She was a painting dynamo. It seemed easy. As a teen, it still seemed easy. Now, I think back and wonder how on earth Geri did it. She had four little kids at the time and quite often a few loose Vaughan kids as well and she would paint. Mind boggling. Last night, I started wondering if a plane ticket for Geri would equal the cost of sanding and redoing the floor. It probably would have been worth it....

Now, I have to get the room completely painted before Justin comes home, so we can get the floor sanded and treated again this weekend so I can start putting the living room back together next week...

I don't wanna!


Unknown said...

You guys are doing amazing with that house of yours. . .I can't wait to see the finished product! The trick to the floor is plastic wrap and lots of it. I think even a professional couldn't prevent that from happening! I loved that arc you guys discovered, by the way. Very neat!
Mom was and still is a painting machine. There are MANY times probably daily where I feel pretty incompetent thinking about her gusto for cleaning/painting/organizing. Even today as I looked around at the new messes being made/added, I thought of how she would be getting up that moment and scrubbing away instead of sitting idly by helping her one year old create the mess. And then I told myself, "You know what? You got up at 6am to make your kid home made cookies for his school snack. You stayed up till 3am walking back and forth with our sick coughing baby. You may not be your mom, and your house may not be ready for company at any given moment, but you're not half bad" lol That's what I tell myself, anyway. Hopefully I will domesticate myself more as time goes. I think I need a hypnotist to make me less of a procrastinator, though.

Virginia said...

A newly renovated room deserves a newly finished floor! Remind Justin about how complete and right it is to have a fully done room. ;-) Look good, pal! You're quite the dynamo yourself!

Virginia said...
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