October 5, 2018

The weekend Scott and JoAnna met--aka Memorial Day

I was getting ready to post JoAnna and Scott wedding pictures and realized that I never posted the pictures from when they first met. Which definitely comes before the wedding, so... you will have to endure a LOT of pictures of non-related things before I get to wedding pictures. 

You are welcome. 

It was Memorial Day weekend and JoAnna decided on a whim on Thursday to fly out to spend the weekend with us. After an early Saturday morning trip to Montreal to pick her up, including fabulous croissants, we had a lazy day hanging out together on the farm. The cows were in a new pasture, which was lovely, so I stopped in the middle of the road to take a picture. For some reason, this annoyed the guy right behind me who I didn't realize was there. 

Much laughing ensued. 

JoAnna is known for her laughter. It was so incredibly therapeutic to laugh our fool heads off all weekend. 

We wanted to go to Bokie's for poutine and ice cream that Saturday night, but decided to go help Owen find a few loose calves first. Because we thought JoAnna, coming ALL the way from Las Vegas to her old stomping grounds, would feel more at home if we had a few grass stains and one or two manure stains on us before heading into town. We're classy like that. 

They all ran off and I stayed behind to observe and take pictures.

It's what I do. 

The farm in May

Owen finally found one of the lost calves and brought it to the right field. 

Trying to get the mother to come get the calf

There was still a missing calf, so Owen took the 4-wheeler to find it. Gilbert was super stressed about not running as fast as everyone else, so Owen took him for a 4-wheeler ride to diffuse the situation. He is a nice uncle. 

Lily walking back to the Suburban

So poetic or something

I really love these pictures. 

So... I will just put them all up.

Justin found the calf in a swale of the pasture and manfully carried it to Owen. The calf didn't think being carried was what it wanted to do that day, so was trying to climb over Justin shoulder. 

It made me feel my position as an observer rather than calf wrassler was the right choice. 

Wildflower bouquet


While all this laughing and lazing around was going on, I was busy telling Scott he had to come up to meet JoAnna. Cody had been telling JoAnna she had to meet Scott, so I decided to do my bit in making it happen. 

Not long after Scott got there, we were all full of suggestions about how JoAnna could get her ears unplugged from her plane trip. 

Great hilarity ensued. 

It was a good first impression, clearly. 

Sunday night we headed up to the hill for a bonfire

My darling husband brought his banjo

The kids were being wild little farm kids


As so often happens, the kids commandeered the camera and took random pictures of people and things.


Rilla Jane


People smile different when a kid is taking pictures. 

Owen being the silent kind

Scott trying to look pensive

Dad and son

The couple that weren't quite a couple yet, but were toying with the idea. 

Feeding the fire

Owen trying to prove he is stronger than Scott by dragging bigger "sticks" to the fire. 


By some crazy circumstance, a little cinder fell down Gilbert's shirt as he was running around and burned his back. 

Poor ducky!

More farm in May

There was a full-ish moon

Gilbert practicing his roping

Smoky moon

Gilbert lassoed a post


Running around

JoAnna in a dramatic setting

Justin was our one man band

Twilight farm kids


Owen and Scott were arguing over the best place to build a house on the farm, so Owen had to show us all his choice. 

More running

The apple blossoms were out

Non-flash picture

In the gloaming

With the setting of the farm in May under a full moon with the scent of wood fire and apple blossoms floating around, is it any wonder Scott and JoAnna fell in love? 

Gilbert and Grandma

Scott, JoAnna, and Justin talking against the backdrop of the fire

Why is it that pictures of people silhouetted against a fire always look so elemental, so... basic? 

Weird clouds

The next morning, Memorial Day, we all went to the parade in town after Scott and JoAnna bonded over a few tennis games. 

Then we had birthday cake for Owen and Orianna's birthday.

Note Scott and JoAnna's matching (almost) shirts. Aren't they adorable? Matching before they are even really, truly dating!

Blowing out candles

I don't even know what he is doing, but since it is Owen, I will assume it was something absurd. I am confused about why so many people are holding lit candles. Seems sketchy.


JRita said...

My dear Bet! We have you to thank on many fronts. Clearly you set up a most romantic setting for our meeting!

Cecil and Amy said...

I have giggled all the way through reading this post! Love it!