October 10, 2018

Pre-Wedding, Sunday Afternoon

Abilene being adorable

Connie, getting her hair dressed

Ava with her hair already fancy dressed

Rilla being a great big cousin


Connie's lovely hair

Interestingly, the hairdresser said she didn't know what to do with Geri's hair. There was too much of it or it was too fine she said. Fortunately, Amanda was there, ready to step in and make everything work out lovely!

Brynn getting some Auntie love

There may have been a wedding about to happen, but it was still Sunday and there was still comics to read. 

JoAnna doing Ava's hair while the hairdresser was doing hers. 


And this is why we love Sheena so!

The mothers, all sparkled up!

And the groom--likely checking the scores before the ceremony

The flower girls having a great time with the chairs all to themselves

Those Douglas boys--comparing their pilots licence. 

Philip got his in the mail Wayne and Sheena brought out to him, so it was pretty exciting!

Remember the mustache thing from Friday? Justin shaved his off Saturday morning. Owen finally shaved his off Sunday morning after threatening JoAnna with it all weekend. 

And then the judge showed up. With a handlebar mustache. Clover and Evan went out to greet the him and then Clover came back inside, enormously pleased, whispering to everyone that he had Owen's shaved off mustache. 

We couldn't have planned a better end to the joke than if we had asked the guy to grow one just for us. 

The judge probably thought we were the laughingest people he had ever had the misfortune of meeting. 

A team helping JoAnna getting dressed without messing up her hair

Tucking, straightening, and buttoning

JoAnna was the center of attention

Isn't she beautiful?!

Geri tying her not-so-baby baby girl's dress.

We decided that the full length mirror shots use bigger mirrors because it just wasn't happening with this one. 

Such pretty details

Helping JoAnna into her shoes

Niece huggles

JoAnna all Bride-d up!

The cutest little dress puller

For all the finery, this was still Elliott and Lincoln's room. We did pull the paper minecraft creations off the walls before pictures, as our only concession to fancying up the decor.

This was such a laid back wedding. 

JoAnna asked Brynn if she would be marrying Scott with her. This was Brynn's response to that idea. She said she would rather marry JoAnna. 

She took her job seriously as a dress puller. 

Four generations

Looking out

Just being cute and beautiful!

Brynn is so ridiculously cute!

Beautiful bouquets!

Geri and her girls

Flower girl chats

Getting ready to come down the stairs

Scott and his best man

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

The mustache story is absolutely G R E A T!!!!!