May 21, 2019

Posed Pictures (First half)

Pictures happened before the wedding because that is more fun than doing it afterward.

We used Cody's bicycle built for two in a few pictures. Because who doesn't sing "Daisy, daisy give me your answer do...tum diddly um pum...(something about a wedding)....but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two!" We really wanted to get them on it for pictures (and to see if Tori could pedal in a wedding dress), but alas, time ran out. 

Apparently we needed to stop taking pictures. 

Being a touch dramatic about being told how to turn their heads just so. 

These two!

But they were really quite pleased with life--just a little nervous about having 50 people clicking cameras at them.

Aren't they cute?!

A little of the paparazzi. 

Orianna looks completely smitten with the wedding couple.

From the back....

From the front.

I just love how she looks at him.

And how he looks at her! 

The Long Family
Corey looks a little unsure about that new sister-in-law. Ha! 

I don't know what was going on here, but it cracks me up! 

Corey looks okay with things again.

The Mamas

The parents

The wedding party getting ready for their closeups

A fine bunch of folks

Tori and her girls

These brothers! Love this picture of them.

Poor Corey is just trying to act normal and Craigen is not behaving himself.

But he likes him anyway.

These two have been roommates for several years and friends for even longer. 

Lovely girls!

Aunt Tori and her flower girl

Aunt Tori lives this little squidlet

I have adorable nieces and nephews

Everyone together.

My lovely sister! 

1 comment:

Cecil and Amy said...

That last picture of Tori is perfect!!!