September 13, 2016

August pictures

This cash register is in our real estate agent's office. His great-great grandfather owned the hardware store Almanzo Wilder and his father went in to in the book and this is the cash register from it. Quite an interesting machine. 

Owen has been enjoying reading Harry Potter this summer. 

Ha! He actually enjoyed teasing the girls about reading Harry Potter and telling them how much it is rotting their brains. He would pick up their books and read dramatically, much to the delighted indignation of the girls. 

The kids spent the afternoon building this little clubhouse with scraps of building material

Complete with laptop

And wooden phones

They invited their cousins over

The landscaping


We own some blackberry bushes! 

One day when Orianna and Lily were off with our neighbor, we walked around our property a little.

That belongs to us. To us! Isn't it marvelous to think of owning all that beauty?

It is very thick and hard-to-walk-through beauty though... Justin braved the way with a machete.

Trail through the ferns

Beech trees and ferns!!! All my dreams have come true.

We stopped for some Donnelley's ice cream one hot afternoon.

A hawk of some kind

Owen and Ashley brought over a brand new puppy. There was a lot of excitement!

Because she was such a cute little puppy!

That is our trailer behind them. See why I was a little under-enthused?

The kids adore Miss Daisy

Ahh! So cute!

It rained most of the way home from Altamont. But then there was a gorgeous sunset. 

Seriously gorgeous!

These were on my phone, but I didn't even have to adjust the lighting or anything. It was fabulous!

We have a couple apple trees!

Super tart, but good!

I love the stripe-y-ness!

Cows going across the end of our road.

Tori and Gilbert's birthday

Love this picture!!

And this seven year old boy!

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