February 6, 2019

A walk in the woods and

These pictures are from over a month ago. I have just not felt very bloggerly lately. This probably has something to do with being a bit busy, BUT it is also winter. And a kind of intense winter. We have not had an entire week of regular school days since we got back from Christmas break. If we aren't having a two hour delay, we are getting out early for parent-teacher conferences or bad weather, or just having a flat out snow/ice day. 


Now don't get me wrong, I adore two hour delays and early dismissals are magnificent presents from your local administrators. 


Somehow, when every day has a little quirk to it, it is a bit more work. You have to redo your schedules and plans and compensate here and there. 

We got out early for ice today, which was well worth it, since it started raining when it was 18 degrees. Instant mess.  

(Aren't these trees weird? I feel like they probably have tree cancer, but I actually have no idea.)

We missed the painful cold last week, but have had some steady near zero nights with a few twenty belows. 

Since snow and winter started in mid-November, I think we are all reaching saturation point. ENOUGH. 

(Although, looking at these pictures, I realize that actually we must have had no snow on the ground for a day or so sometime at the end of December.)

(Whining about the weather is so unattractive. Must move on.)

Today was a busy day wrapping up the book fair. It has been busy for several days, weeks lately. 

Our tech integrator hangs out in my library when she is in district. I was busy counting book fair money in the office when she got there this morning and she told me when she walked in, she wondered if I had died and the school had just stopped taking care of the room. 


But sort of, eeek! I might need to do some organizing.

I don't think, in all the three years I have been teaching I have felt so unorganized and out of control and lacking lesson plans as I have this week. 

SO. In the time I had today, I dove into my stacks and piles and got things DONE. I reorganized some furniture to make things look a bit fresh and new and put up new book displays.

Exhausing, but I feel somewhat more together. 

And I am thinking we will have a two hour delay tomorrow, so.... 

Tomorrow I will get up at regular time and get things DONE at home. Alternatively, I will just roll over and sleep for an extra hour or two. 

If I were a betting woman, I would lean heavily toward the latter option. 

Because sleep is so seductive and mornings are so dark and icy. 

I have a feeling tomorrow will be THE day I get it all together though. Because... why not? 

Hope you have a lovely and productive Thursday. Or non-productive, depending on what needs to happen in your life. 

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